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Lake Kills Thank You!

They say it takes a village, and Lake Hills has the best village! Thank you to everyone who came out to the first ever Haunted Trail. We collected over 13 large shopping bags of food for Operation Hope, which is focused on eliminating hunger for families here in Fairfield.

I want to try and recognize everyone who helped make last night possible (please add anyone I missed!):

Christine H. Fortin assembled our Goody Bags for brave kids who “survived” the trail

Jennifer Baus Ohara and her family set up our admission table and photo backdrop

Ann and Bryan Gilligan manned our Bonfire

Russ Jennings dug our fire pit and thrilled all with his scary tales by the fire

Jillian Motkin and Alexis Harrison worked our admissions table. Alexis volunteers with Operation Hope and will deliver our donations as well.

Elizabeth Nagy, Joshua Katz, and Anna Bromley Campbell served as our guides. Josh also provided fencing, generator and lots of sweat equity.

Julie Finn organized Beach 3’s terrifying baby nursery scene. (Julie please tag your helpers if they're on FB because they were amazing!)

Myke & Gwyneth Hartigan made us never want to get in the water again with their boat scene for Beach 2. Myke also provided the movie screen and never stopped asking "how can I help?"

Jason Hyde as Dr. Pain with his sons as victims in Beach 1’s Lake Kills Hospital scene made possible by Amanda Moitoso, Cody Bergeron and Alan Motkin

Russell and Amy Close Nagy were our unsung heroes providing the lighting that brought each scene to life. They also created Beach 6’s 666 Feet apart scene and our Lake Kills banner. They were hands-on from concept to end and we couldn’t be more thankful!

Christopher Michael McHugh and Edward Lee pulled off a movie worthy chain saw massacre with added effects by Miles and friends orchestrated by Shana McHugh. Shana also made our Lake Kills logo and was my sounding board throughout the preparation.

Dexter Campbell was the best zombie we could ask for in the Beach 5 cemetery with tombstones created by Amy Nagy. Thank you also to Scott Bergeron for delivering the fencing, hay bales and props.

Linda and Daniel Terrell who created a camp scene warewolf attack that nightmares are made of for Beach 4 with assist from Leo Katz.

Peter Roffe who provided sweat equity wherever needed and kept our kids alive while mommy was busy orchestrating this event.

And everyone who loaned tarps to conceal our sinister project: Jon Friedwald, Joanne Amelung, Scott Bergeron, Joshua Katz, Karen McCormack and Casey Jane Ives


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